Anna Dimitriadis
Meet Anna Dimitriadis @annadimitriadis
Now Bristol based, Anna grew up on the beaches of Greece where she first fell in love with the marine world. Starting out as a camera operator in human interest TV, her passion for diving and her want to make a positive impact on the planet naturally led her into wildlife filming. She first cut her teeth in UW camerawork in Mexico whilst working alongside a Nat Geo cameraman. Fast forward 3 years and she now has experience of filming in remote environments, from diving in Antarctica to long lensing in the jungles of Central Africa on productions for Nat Geo/Disney and Curiosity Stream.
Recent credits -
2022: ‘Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory Season 2’ | National Geographic & Disney+ | Wildstar Films | Second Camera and Assistant Camera, Shot on RED
2022: ‘NDA’ | Netflix | Silverback Films | Assistant Camera
2022: ‘Sentient’ | National Geographic & Disney+ | Wildstar Films | Assistant Camera and Underwater AC
2021: ‘Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory Season 1’ | National Geographic & Disney+ | Wildstar Films | Second Camera and Assistant Camera, Shot on RED
2020: ‘Underworld’ | Curiosity Stream | Off The Fence | Underwater AC
Key skills:
Topside & Underwater Wildlife Camera
Diving : rEvo CCR diver, HSE IV diver
Topside: CN20, RED, SLX Superhawk, Camera trapping, BCAP ropes.
Top tip:
Never listen to someone who says you can’t do something, or listen and then go and prove them wrong!
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