Elke Bertolli

Meet Elke Bertolli @elkebertolli

Based in Kenya, having grown up on a remote island in the Indian Ocean, Elke is at home under the water. Not only is she is passionate about sharing the beauty of nature both below and above the waves through film and photography, she works closely with the communities living on the coast exchanging knowledge and creating impact campaigns around the films she works on. Bahari Yetu a self produced short film with her partner @jahawibertolli was internationally recognised including winning the 2021 Ocean Geographic Society POTY film category and was named Official Selection at IWFF and a finalist at 2020 Jackson Wild festival.

Recent Credits:

2022: ‘Underwater Cultural Heritage in Africa’ | UNESCO | Creative Director, Topside & Underwater B Camera

2022: ‘Minecraft Mangrove Impact Film’ | Sound Off | Producer & Creative Director

2021: ‘CBBC Planet Defenders’ | BBC NHU | Co-Presenter, Topside & Underwater Camerawoman, Sound

2021: ‘Wildlife Warriors: Season 2’ | Wildlife Direct and Disney + | Underwater Camerawoman

2020: ‘Bahari Yetu’ | Self Produced Short Film | Creative Director, Impact Producer, Topside and Underwater B Camera

Key Skills:
Underwater Camerawoman (Canon R5C & Panasonic), Free Diver, Rescue SCUBA Diver, 2022 REDucation, Artist, Self-Published Author

Top Tip:
Before you look through the lens take in your surroundings and connect with your subject, taking the time to do that will make all the difference.

Get in touch and find out more: https://www.africaunderwater.com/

Samantha-Lynn Martinez

Wildlife ecologist, filmmaker, and graphic designer/illustrator based in Seattle WA.


Aishwarya Sridhar


Romi Castagnino