Grace Eggleston
Meet Grace Eggleston @graceeggleston
Grace is a freelance cinematographer and editor based in Washington, D.C. Originally from Michigan, she is particularly passionate about water conservation issues in the Great Lakes Basin and beyond, and enjoys filming wildlife and working topside on boats. Grace earned her MFA from American University’s Center for Environmental Filmmaking and has since worked on a number of independent films, as well as projects with Smithsonian Digital Studios, Maryland Public Television, and Red Rock Films. She is currently producing and shooting a series of films for the National Park Service.
Recent Credits:
2023: ‘A River Called Home’ | Feature Film | Jessica Wiegandt Productions | Director of Photography
2023: ‘Hello in Here’ | Indie Documentary | Casey McAdams | Assistant Camera
2022: ‘Street Reporter’ | Short Film | Image Bearer Pictures | 2nd Camera
2020: ‘After the Storm: Pollution in the Potomac’ | Short Film : Maryland Public Television | Paulson Productions | Cinematographer
Key Skills:
Self shooting PD, Editor, Sound, gimbals, macro, documentary interview setups/ outdoor interviews, Insta360 & basic VR stitching. Camera experience: Sony FX6 (kit owner), FX9, FS7; RED Komodo; Canon c300; Black Magic Ursa Mini, Black Magic Pocket 6k. Gimbals; macro; documentary interview setups/ outdoor interviews; Insta360 & basic VR stitching
Top Tip:
Short and sweet: be a kind human to work with!
Get in touch with Grace here: